I hope you enjoyed this week's photo theme; here is the last snapshot in the Guest Photographer series... isn't it a beaut? Back to Technodoll's quirky collection as of tomorrow, if she can manage to get her photo mojo back!
Location: Sunshine Beach, Australia
awwwwwww...i can just feel the sun on my face.
Some people go surfing first thing in the morning the way others go for a run (or walking the dog). What a lifestyle!
Look forward to seeing results of you mojo because I certainly don't got it. Maybe if I make an effort to walk around and discover new sports or REdiscover old ones...
1218, it's hot as heck down there apparently!
Smiler, c'mon you can do it... I found flowers galore within 4 blocks of my place on Sunday, you can do it too! You got the eye, the camera, the legs to get you going... ;-)
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