OK I am bending the rules here... I did not take this photo however I am in it, so I guess it can still be posted here! Yeah, dat's me and the melonhead last summer. I miss summer. Sigh. OK back to the regular program of me not ever posing for photos, but rather alot more comfortable _behind_ the camera!
A rare glimpse
Monday, March 31, 2008OK I am bending the rules here... I did not take this photo however I am in it, so I guess it can still be posted here! Yeah, dat's me and the melonhead last summer. I miss summer. Sigh. OK back to the regular program of me not ever posing for photos, but rather alot more comfortable _behind_ the camera!
On the subject of color
Sunday, March 30, 2008Crazy fish caught my eye... he he. Get it? It's a window display for an optometrist.
Location: St-Laurent street, Montreal QC
Back to my neighborhood
Saturday, March 29, 2008Another whimsical peek at the strange happenings on a local street... Those legs have been on that balcony for years now, they're completely creepy yet pretty funny at the same time. I guess it depends on how drunk you are.
Location: Duluth street, Montreal QC
If summer won't come to me...
...I will go to it. Was rummaging through some beach pics last night and thought this one was pretty neat. It being California and not too far from Hollywood, I wonder what this crew was filming out in the water (they were in there for quite a while). Verra inneresting, LOL!
PS: dear fellow photographers, how do you NOT get the curve of the earth when photographing an ocean backdrop? I could have fixed it post-shot but rather wanted some advice here - thanks!
Location: Malibu, CA
Thursday, March 27, 2008I'm so sick of this never-ending winter, I'm even dreaming of a beach that is so obviously un-creature friendly just for a moment's escape... oh, to dig my toes in the warm sand and feel the sweet wind on my bare arms... sigh.
Location: Malibu, CA
More on architecture
...or rather, architectural vestiges. A bit of history behind this dinosaur's remains:
"The Angus factory (built in 1901 and employing over 5,000 workers) assembled and maintained trains and engines for the Canadian Pacific Railway. During WWII, it also built some tanks for the US and English armies. In the late 70's its production started to greatly decline and in its last year of operation (1990), it produced only 4 wagons.
When the Angus yards finally closed, it decimated the economy of Eastern Montreal.
The factory itself was composed of more than 33 buildings. It used to be the biggest industrial complex in Canada, sprawling over 1 million square meters (~ 4,3 million square feet).
In 1997, the city decided to build an enormous residential and commercial complex over the space, destroying most of the original buildings and leaving only the 2 biggest buildings and some gutted-out walls and supporting structures."
RIP, old gal.
Location: Montreal, QC
More Neighborhood art
I can understand crazy colors streaked by time and grime, but what I really wonder about here is... the TV set on top of the building. Do you see it? Is it part of the art form, or did some dude just think it would be hilarious to confuse people and make them talk? Is it a magic waterproof television set? As you can see... it's working!
Location: St-Laurent street, Montreal QC
Sheer delight
Monday, March 24, 2008Ah, to be a happy doggy tearing loose on a crisp winter day... only it's supposed to be a warm spring day but they couldn't care less. I guess I shouldn't, either.
Location: Montreal, QC
Typical sexes!
The female, ever so watchful and on guard to protect house and home, looking for creatures to hunt for the day's dinner... while the male... well, the picture speaks for itself! Ha ha!
Location: Montreal, QC
More Plateau neighborhood
Sunday, March 23, 2008Colorful buildings are the norm in this part of town, it helps to soothe the eye during the long bleak winter months. Allelujah!
Location: Duluth Street, Montreal QC
I'm savin' up!
Saturday, March 22, 2008Problem is, you first need to spend to get one of these... at least the smiles are free!
Location: St-Laurent street, Montreal QC
Friday, March 21, 2008If you look with an open mind, you can find beauty and delight on many a street corner in the most unexpected ways.
Location: St-Denis street, Montreal QC
Colorful city
Thursday, March 20, 2008When I exit work, this is what I see. The building changes advertising panels every year, now it's red but who knows what this summer will reveal? I guess in all the long bleak winter months, Montrealers do what they can to try and survive...
Location: St-Laurent street, Montreal QC
More wall art
Wednesday, March 19, 2008Here is another local building that I particularly like - adds a bit of lovely character, color and whimsical liveliness to the surroundings, don't you think?
Location: Duluth street, Montreal QC
Morning journey - building art
There are many colorful buildings in the neck of the woods, some more nicely done than others. Street artists using concrete walls as a canvas - here is one of a few that caught my eye - more pics to come!
Location: St-Denis street, Montreal QC
Morning journey - serenity
Monday, March 17, 2008I only photographed this sculpture's head because the rest of him was covered in a blanket of snow, but I'll capture him again some warm summer day. He's in a trance pose, exhuding peace and serenity... don't you just want to pat his head?
Location: St-Denis street, Montreal QC
Morning journey - tummy rumblings
This street is packed with lovely boutiques and unique restaurants, all striving to offer heart-warming dishes to combat the cold lingering winter... it's truly a treat to walk this route almost every day - you never know what you might see next! (text translation: tuna fillet with vanilla sauce, pink peppercorns)
Location: St-Denis street, Montreal QC
Morning journey - patient one
Sunday, March 16, 2008Waiting for mom (or dad) to hurry up with the shopping aleady! Cold wet feetsies!
Location: St-Laurent street, Montreal QC
Morning journey - random shop window
This store display caught my eye... those waving cats are *everywhere* on this planet, just ask Vegas! LOL!
Location: St-Denis street, Montreal QC
New weekly theme: morning journey
Saturday, March 15, 2008This week I will post some snapshots of what I see on my daily walk to work... of course the scenery changes often but this is what I captured last week, hope you enjoy!
Location: St-Denis street, Montreal QC
Surreal dog-o-rama
Friday, March 14, 2008A snowed-in schoolyard just perfect for my two furry kids (this place was bone-dry before the March 8th snowstorm)!
Location: Montreal, QC
Ookey spookey
This scene somehow reminds me of a B-class horror film... not sure what it is, the crazy tree reaching up to the smokey sky? The haunted church? The old-age home lawn swing? Hmmm.
Location: Montreal, QC
My heart, for you
Thursday, March 13, 2008Bleeding hearts have always been one of my favorite "flowers" - or are they a bush? - since my mom had them planted around the house when I was little... to this day, the fascination still holds. So pretty, so delicate, so honest.
Location: Montreal, QC
Nothing to see here, move along... or maybe stay for a while and admire how the city spends your tax dollars on pretty street signs... up to you!
Location: Montreal, QC
Wild hunter at work
Wednesday, March 12, 2008I see it. The prey, standing still in the jungle, trying to blend in with its surroundings. It does not know I am watching, waiting, biding my time. I am the great huntress, crouched and ready for action. If only the chest-deep snow weren't there... that shovel would be *mine*.
Location: Montreal, QC
Reflection of my soul
Tonight, I cannot think of any other photo which would frame my state of mind more accurately. It it cold and deserted. It is gray. That eye in the sky? A mirror which I am forced to gaze into, and what should be there except more corridors leading to more questions - can you feel the cold northern wind blowing?
I seek warmth and answers... I seek the comforting lights of Vegas in the warm summer breeze to guide me home. Am I on the right path?
Location: Montreal, QC
Mademoiselle duck saves the day
Tuesday, March 11, 2008Ah. Finally some green and sense of warm summertime... of course this is from last year, but it helps to remind me that it will come back again. At least... I pray it will.
Location: Magog, QC
Tired of winter wonderland
Sure it's pretty, it's magical and full of fairies and vanilla gumdrops... but sigh. Enough already!
Location: Montreal, QC
More blizzard aftermath
Monday, March 10, 2008Does this look like mid-March to you? No? I thought so...
Location: neighborhood street, Montreal, QC
Storm in a can
If you look closely, you will see there is actually a man behind that cloud of blowing snow... it still beats shoveling!
Location: Montreal, QC
Find the car
Sunday, March 9, 2008Look carefully... and have pity on this car owner! He will probably let the snow melt and be able to move his car out by June, unless he takes the shovel to the mess. I tell you, this city has gone mental!
Location: Montreal, QC
A stunned city
Nobody knows where to begin digging out from under the massive dump of snow that fell on the city yesterday... this street is lucky to have a sidewalk cleared, at least.
Location: Montreal, QC
Puppy in the wind
Blizzard aftermath of pure white snow blanketing everything... it would be poetic if it weren't so cold! The doggies love it though - I have to admit it is pretty magical at times.
Location: Montreal, QC
Saturday, March 8, 2008I feel bad for chasing this little guy away (after taking a pic of him through the balcony window), he was only looking for food before the big storm, picking up the dog's breakfast crumbs from the snow... sigh. Now I feel like a big meanie - where do all the birds and wildlife hide in such a savage blizzard as this? How hungry and cold must they be?
Location: Montreal, QC
Back to reality...
Worst blizzard of the winter so far... 3rd storm of the week. March is supposed to be a gentle lead into spring but so far, it's shattering all hopes for a season's change. *cries*
Location: Montreal, QC
Starved for green
Friday, March 7, 2008So white and mucky outside... we're getting over a foot of snow over the weekend - am praying it's one of the very last storms of the year. Praying hard! In the meantime my brain is starved for warm sunshine and lots of green, so am digging into my archives of photos and this one will do juuuust fine!
Location: St-Paul d'Abbotsford, QC
For the girls
...as promised... my shy little bro by the lake near his place on the mountain-top. I love this guy!
Location: St-Paul d'Abbotsford, QC
If you can't beat 'em...
Thursday, March 6, 2008...join 'em! And do it brightly, with gusto and with alot of heart. So others like me can just capture the happy moment to forever remember the good side of winter when it gets super tough and I just want to cry - like now.
Location: Mont Royal mountain, Montreal QC
I dream of blue
...if only all the white was replaced by green, this would be a perfect scene.
But March has us in its grips like a starving vulture, makes me want to ditch this Canadian culture!
Location: Mont Royal mountain, Montreal QC
Life's winding path
Wednesday, March 5, 2008Oh weary traveller, where have you been? And where are you heading? Have you forged your own way through life, are you happy with your journey, are your legs imprinted with the countless steps you have taken on this earth? And most importantly, when you have reached your final destination, will you have left your prints on the hearts of your fellow travellers for them to forever remember you by?
Location: Magog, QC
Summerlude escape
Tuesday, March 4, 2008...I dream of soft warm sand under my bare feet, the sound of the surf drumming against the shore, blending in with the cries of hungry seagulls as the sun sets on colorful kites that dot the coastline... OK I could totally do without the humans, just need the beach! Anything besides this brutal, unending, cold dreary winter! Sigh.
Location: Malibu, CA
Ode to Vegas
Sappy post of the month..! The brittle winter cold cannot penetrate the warm fortress that is my heart when Vegas is here with me... Look into his eyes and you will see my reflection - and that is no coincidence. I will let Depeche Mode sum it up with lyrics from "I Am You":
Dark obsession in the name of love
This addiction that we're both part of
Leads us deeper into mystery
Keeps us craving endlessly
Strange compulsions that I can't control
Pure possession of my heart and soul
I must live with this reality
I am you and you are me
Photo location: Montreal, QC
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